Saturday, November 10, 2012


Hi everyone!!!

Ok, let me make this clear right now.  I did NOT create these videos I'm posting here.  It seems all the important videos I've seen through out my years have mysteriously been removed from the internet so when I go to look for them I can't find them.  This is NOT infringing on someone else's work, rather it's making sure that these videos and images are SOMEWHERE other than just one spot.

This is a compilation of UFO (simply Unidentified Flying Object) with an extremely cool ass Art Bell episode.

A little back-round information first.

Prior to watching this Compilation (which I posted under "Say What" as well) you should know a few things, especially you disbelievers...

These images below are of the Spiral thingy in the skies of Norway.  This was seen December 09, 2009.

You were ALL informed that it was a TEST MISSILE fucking up on STAGE THREE... Meaning... Stage ONE AND TWO causes a SPIRAL BLUE LIT SMOKE CONTRAIL from launch... and then... as it reaches it's peek... begins to tail twirl AWAY FROM your POINT OF VIEW... CHANGES TO A WHITE CONTRAIL...  this will make it easier to understand for all of you laymen:

This is a rocket launching...
(It's really my empty coffee cup here at Bruegger's... BRB, getting more...)


(Ok, back) This is a Rocket blasting off into the sky...


Air Born and gaining altitude


Rocket Reaching peek...


Rocket malfunctioning?!?!?!?!  STAGE THREE FUCKED UP!?!?!?


Rocket twisting toward space with it's tail end facing you.


Tip heading STRAIGHT AWAY FROM YOU and tail twirling.


Tail still spinning and nose still away from you...


Tip still pointing away and tail still spinning...


Nose still pointing away from you tail still... FUCK THIS, if you aren't smart enough to follow... sorry...



Ok, so that's the explanation... a rocket tail spinning.  That's kind of believable... except for the simple fact that EVERYONE saw the spiral and EVERYONE saw the Hole... sorry, but I don't think our rockets are bigger than our world... and I'm quite sure just from a Grade School Perspective everyone knows that if you view something from different positions you definitely all see different things... example... those directly behind it would see the spiral... people off a hundred miles or so would see the fucking rocket spinning with the contrail flowing like a wavy line... Those below it would see the actual rocket and the contrail swirling.

Also I'd like to bring up... the light glow would not linger... because with their explanation the light source would be traveling further and further away, ergo the light would fade (look smaller) not grow brighter and getting bigger.  Holes... holes... everywhere there're holes... mocking your intelligence... ridiculing your mind... do this don't do that... this story's filled with HOOOOOOOles...

I guess we're supposed to believe that, during a Rocket Launch, NOBODY ON THE FUCKING BASE VIDEO TAPED what was happening?  Really?  I'm quite sure the military (because I am prior military so I laugh in your fucktard face assclown if you're going to say "We don't video tape everything" because you do fuckface.) just TRUSTS these scientist are spending all these funds on equipment and fuel, building something, testing it and NOT video taping it so they can physically see that, uh, they really used the money to build something and not put TRILLIONS of dollars down a strippers undies and also to see what occurred because no matter what problem was, watching it helps solve the problem.

So these "Scientists" saying that EVERYONE saw the same thing because EVERYONE was standing at the EXACT SAME POINT of the earth is ridiculous and absolutely stupid... and degrading... Honestly, I'm a Conspiracy Theorist?  Really?  Then you're a dumb ass retarded fucking moron that believes what anyone tells you... wait, no you're not... I was joking!!! I own this bridge called the Walt Whitman... I bought it for like, I don't know... $1000.00, I'll sell it to you for $500.00.  I'll even rename it for you so everyone knows it's yours.

Here's a couple vids on this Norway Spiral:

Basically, with a fucking EMPTY COFFEE CUP I kind of explained how that COULDN'T be that.  If you need me to take shots from different views you're just a fucktard so go back to playing fucking WoW in your grandmother's basement.  No offense to gamers... quite frankly, you're probably the only ones taking this seriously.  Yeah, so all you yuppy rich mother fuckers... well, you're the ones that already know about the actual things and your parents pretty much rule the world so just enjoy these like they're re-runs.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because of a Documentary I watched (and own) called "Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFO's".  Dan is a fucking legend from all his movies and shit to special events he holds and what not.  Incredible man that's lived an incredible life.  Here's a clip you should all watch and ESPECIALLY pay attention to four minutes twenty five seconds onward (for all of you having trouble, it's minute mark 4:25 +).  

I find it quite interesting that back in the 1980's (three decades apart give or take) a Chinese Rocket had the same situation... in fact... I find it amazingly similar.  They've recently (not even recently, since what?  2003????) have been talking about CREATING a fucking Black Hole outside of our atmosphere... Yeah baby, a fucking BLACK HOLE?!!? Many possibilities like bending space and time (Quantum Physics... just pick up a book, it's not hard to understand)...  Isn't it odd with ALL of our advancements from a stealth bomber to unmanned drones our rockets haven't advanced?!  The same bullshit issue from the 1980's happens in 2009 and you SERIOUSLY BELIEVE THIS BULLSHIT?!?!?

BTW, here's an images from the 1980's spiral... yeah, amazing what you believe when some asshole gets on T.V. and says, "I have a degree, blah blah blah... and blah blah blah..." 

ARE WE REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID?!?!?!?!  For the love of fucking lies... truly ridiculous.  Almost as believable as having the MOST SECURE BUILDING IN THE FUCKING WORLD (Pentagon) getting hit by one of our LARGEST aircraft and they have ZERO FUCKING VIDEO OF IT HAPPENING?!?!?!  They have video recording EVERY INCH OF THAT FUCKING PLACE... 

Wait, why would they lie?  Why?!?!  Our government NEVER FUCKING LIES!!!  Oh, shit, my bad... that's why the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT proves all the "Conspiracy Theories" weren't theories at all, they DID IN FUCKING FACT HAPPEN!!!!  Which makes the government (and all of you that constantly defend your political party) even worse... they are murderers, liars, thieves, scum, baby killers, women killers, men killers (oh wow, Genocidal fucking assholes), money laundering, ugh, this list goes on and on... amazing... and YOU ALL still want to fight over who's better?  Democrat, Republican, Liberal, doesn't really matter; if you stop arguing you'll see you've all been hoodwinked... amazing... No matter WHO wins the world stays the same and some new jack ass tricks you into believing they'll make a difference... HAHA humans are so stupid we shouldn't be considered the most intelligent creatures on the planet. Sad.

But, our government's lucky... for now... because I'm talking about this video you're about to see below.  Black Flag Operations will have to wait for the time being; but you FUCKING KNOW I'm going to post something yummy yum yum for all of you.  And please, if you want to laugh, laugh... but at least get your ham-hocks up off the fucking couch (or pull your laptop up to your fucking recliner) and RESEARCH what you see... you'll be amazed at how much "Conspiracy Theory" is real and how much "Honesty" from your government is not.  Just to make this ABSOLUTELY clear, I am NOT referring to our Troops.  For fucks sake I was one of them at one time SERVING MY COUNTRY ready to die for THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA... yeah, all you fuckers at home (99.99998% I would never meet but guess what, I would have died for you, your family, your loved ones, your children) enjoying your freedom that me and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of brave women and men have procured for you while you look at us with disgust and refuse us work because we may have had to kill to keep you free.  I'm referring to the fucking assholes that LEAD our forces and make us do disgusting things that aren't needed to be done.  I'm referring to the fucking people that take orders from the WEALTHIEST ONE PERCENT that actually RUN the world and pass those orders down to us so we do the actual dirty work. 

Quick Plug... WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY CALLED "The One Percent"

Here it is... The vid this is all about.


Enjoy... LIKE and COMMENT on my fucking shit people!!! FUCK...  
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