Sunday, October 28, 2012


So, the image I've attached is a brief summary and pic of one article I saw regarding this find.

Here's a more in depth story

Honestly it would be amazing if this turned out to be an alien mummified, HOWEVER (yeah, love caps LoL) there were remains found in other locations of the world that were believed to be one thing and turned out to possibly be something else.  Take, for example, Cyclops skulls which turned out to be mammoth skulls OR the elongated skulls found in some parts of the world.

The native people would use a binding technique to achieve this.  Why?  Who the fuck knows really.  Some people say it's just some cultural thing while others say they were impersonating "Gods" (or maybe ET's, which, would have been Gods back then) but the truth won't be known.  Why?  Well, because all those people are fucking long since dead.  All "translations" aren't precise from their text (IF THEY EVEN HAD WRITTEN LANGUAGE) so one person will say GODS and another will say ALIENS (sorry, P.C. is Extraterrestrial or a more direct translation from Mayan and Sumerian hieroglyphs "Those from above the stars" or some shit ) and the majority of the world truly doesn't give a fuck because, well, they don't care.

Why NOT care?  Knowledge is power.  I'm not the most intelligent person in the world (and most people think it's Steven Hawking with an I.Q. of slightly over 200 but I think Marilyn vos Savant  is at like 230? Whatev's) but I take pride in learning new shit errrday (slang meaning everyday).

MAYBE if everyone would stop NOT giving a fuck and actually took the time to GIVE A FUCK (sort of like that History Teacher and his wife that cracked the first Zodiac Cipher in the newspaper) the world could actually move forward instead of constantly falling back... 

OH WELL!!!  Right?  I know all of you checking this out must give a fuck because if you didn't... why the hell you wasting your time reading all this?  And thank you for reading it and I hope you enjoy. :)

P.S. By the way, before anyone starts giving me shit about saying Extraterrestrials would have been Gods back then blah blah blah, please note that human beings are ignorant until educated (yeah, giving a fuck really does matter right?).  The two images below are what tribes built back in World War II when they saw planes fly overhead.  They had NO idea what they were but knew they dropped cargo for them.

When the planes stopped flying by the Natives questioned why they stopped.  The Leaders of the Tribes informed the people that "The Gods were upset" so they built an effigy in hopes that the Gods would return and give them more free shit.  So yes, Extraterrestrials would have been Gods to our ancestors.  Educate yourselves here

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